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Tone Chimes

This group of 12-14 musicians practices once a week on a three octave set of Suzuki hand chimes, also referred to as tone chimes. The technique is somewhat similar to playing handbells, where each person is assigned two or more notes/chimes to play during the song. The Tone Chimes Choir plays for the Sunday morning church service approximately 4 times during the fall, winter and spring months. It’s a lot of fun and players find it easy to learn.


Interested in learning more?  contact the office at

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Joyful Praise Choir

Directed by Nathan Green, the Joyful Praise Choir participates regularly in worship services with anthems and presents an annual Christmas Cantata the 2nd Sunday of December. If you can carry a tune and love to Praise God, then Joyful Praise may be just where you can serve.  Choir rehearsals take place each Wednesday evening from

5:30 – 6:30 p.m.  Comprised of over 20 members representing young adults to senior adults, the central goal of the choir is to praise God with its musical offerings. 

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2506 S.W. 3rd ST

Ankeny, IA, 50023

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@2017 by Ankeny Christian Church 

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